
Learning the key concepts is an essential first step in any transformation journey, but that alone is not enough. Companies must next evaluate the current state of their manufacturing facilities, before they can identify areas of improvement. Companies can conduct this comprehensive evaluation of their facilities through the SIRI Assessment. This includes the Assessment Matrix to establish their standing across 16 key dimensions and the Prioritisation Matrix to identify high-impact dimensions for further action.

Companies only need two days to self-conduct this internal review, with guidance from the SIRI Self-Assessment Application and whitepapers. Alternatively, they may engage a Certified SIRI Assessor to conduct the Official SIRI Assessment.

Principles of Assessment

Take Action

Kick-start your transformation journey with the SIRI Assessment
Let INCIT guide you through the journey of getting your Official SIRI Assessment.
Engage a Certified SIRI Assessor to conduct an Official SIRI Assessment, which includes an evaluation of your manufacturing facility, and a prioritisation exercise to identify high-impact areas.

Certified Siri Assessors

Engage a Certified SIRI Assessor (CSA) to conduct an Official SIRI Assessment. CSAs are formally recognised by the Singapore Economic Development Board as independent and neutral individuals who can professionally assess a manufacturing facility using SIRI and its accompanying frameworks and tools.