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Frequently Asked Questions

  • Where can I read the SIRI whitepapers to find out more about the frameworks and tools?

    The SIRI whitepapers can be downloaded from our homepage here.

  • Will there be new frameworks and tools that will be developed under SIRI?

    Yes, we will continue to develop more frameworks and tools to plug existing information or knowledge gaps. We hope that this growing repository of resources will better assist manufacturers in catalysing their Industry 4.0 transformation journeys.

  • Are the frameworks and tools validated by industry practitioners?

    Yes, to ensure a balance between technical robustness and usability, we partner with a network of leading technology companies, consultancy firms, and industry and academic experts to develop the frameworks and tools. In addition, we piloted tools like the Assessment Matrix and Prioritisation Matrix with small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) as well as multinational corporations (MNCs) prior to release.

  • Are the frameworks and tools applicable to all companies, regardless of size and industry?

    Yes, the frameworks and tools under SIRI have been developed to address all companies, regardless of size and industry. We hope that after utilising the frameworks and tools, companies may feel encouraged to take a deeper dive into specific areas aligned with their own needs.

  • What is the difference between the 3B Maturity Benchmark and the Industry Performance Card (IPC)?

    The 3B Maturity Benchmark provides the community with whole-of-manufacturing yardsticks for Best-in-Class, Broad Middle, and Bottom Performers. In contrast, an IPC highlights a particular industry’s average performance across all 16 SIRI dimensions. In total, there are 14 IPCs covering a range of manufacturing industries.

  • Which SIRI Assessments contribute to the formulation of insights?

    Only data from Official SIRI Assessments performed by Certified SIRI Assessors are analysed to generate insights. By only using data reported by qualified, neutral individuals, we can give assurances that the insights are unbiased and reliable.

  • Should I compare my results against the 3B Maturity Benchmark or the Industry Performance Card (IPC)?

    The 3B Maturity Benchmark and IPCs provide different types of insights, which can all be useful. We recommend that companies compare their results against both sets of benchmarks.

  • How often, if at all, will the 3B Maturity Benchmark/Industry Performance Cards (IPCs) be updated?

    As more Official SIRI Assessments are conducted globally, we will update the findings accordingly. We currently plan to update the information on an annual basis.

  • Should I be concerned that my industry falls within the Tundra or Savannah Archetype?

    Not necessarily. While falling into the Tundra/Savannah Archetype suggests being in an industry that generally underperforms across the 16 SIRI dimensions compared to other industries, it may not be a cause for alarm.

    The pace and uniformity of transformation is highly sector-specific and often heavily influenced by factors like the nature/volume of products, complexity of manufacturing processes, and competitive dynamics within the industry. Macroeconomic trends, such as overall business conditions and industry operating environment, also impact the nature of transformation.

    Companies in industries characterised by either Archetype can therefore still embark on Industry 4.0 transformation, while keeping in mind the dynamics and unique traits of its industry.

  • How much time must my company commit towards an Official SIRI Assessment?

    The Official SIRI Assessment is estimated to take around 1.5 days, but the actual duration may vary depending on the size and complexity of your manufacturing operations. The process, and approximate time required, is as follows:

    1. Onboarding call (one hour)
    2. Evaluation, including site visit (one day)
    3. Review and debrief (two hours)
  • Who can help me conduct an Official SIRI Assessment?

    To maintain the objectivity and quality of an Official SIRI Assessment, only a Certified SIRI Assessor (CSA) is qualified to conduct an Official SIRI Assessment.

    The list of CSAs can be found here.

  • If I am not ready to commit to an Official SIRI Assessment, are there other ways I can try the SIRI Assessment?

    For a start, companies can try the Self-Assessment Tool here. This allows companies to conduct an informal self-review of their factory or plant, and benchmark their results against the 3B Maturity Benchmark and/or Industry Performance Cards (IPCs).

  • I have just completed the Official SIRI Assessment/SIRI Self-Assessment and my company's scores across the 16 SIRI Dimensions are very low (e.g. Band 1 or 0). Does that mean that my company does not have the potential for Industry 4.0 transformation?

    No, every company has the potential for Industry 4.0 transformation. As mentioned in the Five Principles of Assessment, the SIRI Assessment provides a snapshot of the facility’s current state, but not its future potential.

    Click here to learn more about the Five Principles of Assessment.

  • Can I participate in the Certified SIRI Assessor (CSA) Training Programme even if I don’t intend to take the Examination?

    Yes, the CSA Training Programme is open to all industry practitioners, especially in-house subject-matter experts of manufacturing companies who are keen to understand the SIRI Assessment Methodology. This will allow you to better support your company in conducting internal, informal assessments.

  • What qualifications must I have in order to be a Certified SIRI Assessor (CSA)?

    We welcome all individuals keen to advise manufacturing companies, with the goal of supporting their Industry 4.0 transformation journeys. To be a CSA, you should ideally be a manufacturing industry veteran with strong professional experience in production and business consulting.

    More information on the qualifying criteria can be found in the Certified SIRI Assessor Programme here.

  • I am from an Institute of Higher Learning and want to be recognised as an Approved Training Provider and/or Examination Body for the CSA Training Programme. What can I do?

    If you are an organisation interested to become an Approved Training Provider and/or Examination Body for the CSA Programme, we welcome you to get in touch with us at the Singapore Economic Development Board!

    Contact us at partnership@siri.gov.sg

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Recognising the SIRI Trustmark

To ensure you are working with a Certified SIRI Assessor, check to make sure that the report received includes the Assessor ID. All reports should also have the SIRI logo watermarked into the pages.