SIRI Partner Network

The SIRI Partner Network is a community of technology, consulting, and education businesses that serve as our channel partners to accelerate awareness and adoption of SIRI by governments and industries worldwide. The Singapore Economic Development Board also works closely with our partners to provide valuable business, technical, and marketing support as they develop new SIRI-related offerings.

Work with a SIRI Partner

The SIRI Partner Network connects you to an ecosystem of organisations, both public and private, all of which are equipped with deep expertise in SIRI. Each is uniquely positioned to help your company at any stage of your Industry 4.0 Transformation Journey.

Become a SIRI Partner

Are you seeking to leverage SIRI to create new business offerings, or promote SIRI within your organisation or community? Regardless of your aims, the SIRI Partner Network is a great place to start. Join us today to advance your SIRI journey.

Partner Categories

Education & Training

Education & Training partners provide professional learning and development programmes to educate industry professionals about SIRI frameworks, tools, and insights. These partners also equip practitioners with the skills and knowledge to become Certified SIRI Assessors.

Technology & Strategy

Technology & Strategy partners provide technology solutions and advisory services to help companies develop robust manufacturing transformation roadmaps, and translate their Official SIRI Assessment results into tangible outcomes.

Platform & Outreach

Platform & Outreach partners help raise awareness about SIRI in different manufacturing communities around the world. They also facilitate strong multilateral collaborations and engagements among stakeholders such as government agencies, business associations, and non-profit organisations.

To find a partner or to join the SIRI Partner Network, email us at