Frameworks & Tools

Planning and executing an Industry 4.0 transformation roadmap is no small undertaking. It requires companies to invest significant resources into various areas such as conducting research, engaging solution providers, running cost-benefit analyses, and monitoring progress of projects.

We aim to help manufacturers along this journey by educating them on the 101 of Industry 4.0 and providing concepts that form a useful foundation for future action. As with all things, knowledge is only useful when it is put into practice. We hope the suite of SIRI frameworks and tools will bolster companies’ confidence, reduce their uncertainty, and encourage them to take the next step towards implementation.

LEAD Framework

Transforming and upgrading a manufacturing facility is not a one-off exercise. Rather, it is a continuous and iterative process. This is encapsulated in the LEAD framework – a circular, continuous four-step process that all manufacturers can adopt in their approach towards Industry 4.0 transformation.

The SIRI Framework

Understanding the key components of a future-ready manufacturing facility is a critical first step in any effective transformation journey. In response, the SIRI framework draws on the Reference Architectural Model Industry 4.0 (RAMI 4.0) to provide a practical, yet comprehensive illustration of all the necessary ingredients.

The SIRI framework comprises three layers. The topmost layer identifies three fundamental building blocks of Industry 4.0: Technology, Process, and Organisation. All three building blocks must be considered to harness the full potential of Industry 4.0. Underpinning the building blocks are eight pillars, which represent critical aspects that companies must focus on to become future-ready organisations. The third and final layer comprises sixteen dimensions that companies should reference when evaluating the current maturity levels of their facilities. 


The Assessment Matrix

The Assessment Matrix is the world’s first Industry 4.0 self-diagnostic tool aimed at helping companies worldwide – regardless of size, industry, and digital maturity – evaluate the current state of their factories and plants. Validated by a global advisory panel of industry experts, the Assessment Matrix is designed to strike a balance among technical rigour, usability, and relevance. To date, more than 2,000 companies worldwide have utilised it, both formally and informally, to assess their manufacturing facilities.

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The TIER Framework

Prioritisation is the next critical exercise in formulating effective Industry 4.0 roadmaps, as it helps companies identify business areas where improvements will generate the most value. Despite the importance of prioritisation, limited guidance was available to help companies conduct a robust and comprehensive prioritisation exercise.

We address this gap with the TIER framework, which outlines four principles for companies to consider as part of a holistic prioritisation exercise. By evaluating these four principles, manufacturers can better focus their energies and resources on activities that bring the greatest benefits.


Today's State

Develop an in-depth understanding of the company’s current Industry 4.0 maturity level

Impact to bottom line

Analyse how distinct Industry 4.0 areas affect profits and identify those that can generate the greatest financial return

Essential Business Objectives

Determine the most critical business objectives to guide the selection of relevant Industry 4.0 areas

References to the broader community

Emulate the successes of the broader manufacturing community, and learn from their mistakes as well

The Prioritisation Matrix

We developed the Prioritisation Matrix to help companies translate the TIER framework principles into practice. This management planning tool guides companies to consider four inputs, each reflecting a key principle in the TIER framework, and ultimately identifies high-priority SIRI dimensions where improvements will bring the most benefit.

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