SIRI Assessor Programme Launched to Scale Industrial Transformation

1. The Singapore Economic Development Board (“EDB”) today introduced the Smart Industry Readiness Index (“SIRI”) Assessor Programme, to scale transformation efforts within the manufacturing sector by training and qualifying assessors to evaluate manufacturing facilities using SIRI.

2. Launched at Industrial Transformation Asia Pacific (“ITAP”) 2019, the SIRI Assessor Programme consists of a training course and a certification scheme.

a) The SIRI Assessor Training Course will equip industry practitioners with the requisite industry knowledge and skills to become a SIRI Assessor. The curriculum covers an overview of manufacturing and the sector’s evolution towards Industry 4.0, SIRI’s frameworks, business consulting skills and the methodology for conducting a SIRI Assessment over 48 hours of classroom training. TUV SUD is the first organisation approved to offer the SIRI Assessor Training Course.

b) The SIRI Assessor Certification Scheme will assess the proficiency of potential SIRI Assessors. In addition to having attended the SIRI Assessor Training Course, candidates will have to meet pre-requisites, such as having relevant manufacturing and consulting work experience, to be eligible to sit for the examination, which includes both theory and practical assessments. Quality, safety and sustainability solutions provider TUV SUD will administer the SIRI Assessor Certification Scheme on behalf of the EDB.

3. Interested candidates may register online for the course and certification via Candidates who pass the examination under the SIRI Assessor Certification Scheme will be issued a certificate that is valid for three years. Certified SIRI Assessors will also receive access to the proprietary SIRI Assessor Portal, which will contain information kits, tools and other resources to assist the SIRI Assessor in conducting the SIRI assessment.

4. EDB welcomes other educational institutions to develop and offer training
modules for SIRI Assessors, based on the official SIRI Assessor Syllabus
that is available via

5. “Since its launch in November 2017, SIRI has received positive interest from
both local and international organizations. With the SIRI Assessor
Programme, we hope to empower more individuals with the necessary
knowledge and resources to assess companies using SIRI and accelerate
transformation in the manufacturing sector,” said Mr Lim Kok Kiang, Assistant Managing Director, EDB.

6. Developed by EDB, in partnership with a network of leading technology
companies, consultancy firms, industry and academic experts, SIRI
comprises a suite of frameworks and tools to help manufacturers start, scale
and sustain their manufacturing transformation journeys.

7. To assist manufacturers in overcoming the initial barriers to transform, EDB
announced the provision of 300 funded SIRI Assessments in March 2018 to
ensure SMEs and MNCs across all industries receive sufficient guidance in
using SIRI. In the funded assessments, appointed consultants helped
companies use SIRI to understand the current state of their manufacturing
facilities and learn about possible transformation initiatives to realize the
benefits of Industry 4.0. Since then, more than 200 funded SIRI
Assessments have been completed.

About the Singapore Economic Development Board
The Singapore Economic Development Board (EDB), a government agency under the Ministry of Trade and Industry, is responsible for strategies that enhance Singapore’s position as a global centre for business, innovation, and talent. We undertake investment promotion and industry development, and work with international businesses, both foreign and local, by providing information, connection to partners and access to government incentives for their investments. Our mission is to create sustainable economic growth, with vibrant business and good job opportunities for Singapore.

For more information on EDB, please visit

For media queries, please contact:

Mr Victor Heng
Project Officer, Public Affairs
Singapore Economic Development Board
Tel: 6832 6486

Ms Karen Lin
Head, Public Affairs
Singapore Economic Development Board
Tel: 6832 6555

Posted on Jul 13, 2020 under PRESS RELEASE